Thursday, February 27, 2014

“Class 5, Assignment 5”

Great response Diana! I also share your sentiments about body image and self-perception. I'm really petite, 5'2 105 pounds and I wear a size zero too. On the one hand I feel like my size has allowed me not to feel ostracized in a society where obese people are looked down upon BUT I still have to tangle with feelings of inferiority because I am so slim. I don't necessarily like the implication that women should be curvy and voluptuous because like you said there is beauty in diversity, and beauty in all different forms. I just wish the media wasn't so adamant about shaping body politics. I was always told from a young age that I was beautiful because my parents recognized the necessity of building self-esteem in me and my sisters. I believe that self-perception shapes how good we feel about ourselves and how we relay those thoughts to others. The video I chose was the Dove Real Beauty sketch, it really captures the self-esteem issues people have with themselves that cause them to be too critical, more critical then your average person.

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