Thursday, February 27, 2014

Susan B. Anthony Gold Dollars

I uploaded a saved png of my silver dollar with the baby face and just used the paint bucket tool to change the background and the paint brush tool to erase the baby

I then drew a Susan B. Anthony look a like (not hardly) and used the paintbrush to add 1999

In MS word I changed the fill color of my circle

Added 1999 onto my old text art and uploaded a real Susan B Anthony face

Resized it 

And my two images are below:

Bitmap Silver Dollar Using Gimp

Final Result

Drew an ellipse

Drew face and date (with text tool)

This is my not so great silver dollar using Gimp!

Vector to Bitmap Silver Dollar Using MS Word

Added a circle image and text:

Used TEXT ART and put a text circle and added a baby face

Scaled the baby face
Used artistic features

Here is my silver dollar. I didn't put the year but I did what I could!

“Class 5, Assignment 8"

These are images of my Cube Slam game with classmate Diana, we only made it a few rounds before the game froze. We were tied!

“Class 5, Assignment 7"

These are screenshots of LVM Smithsonian, I ran into no problems or issues. I seen some deer and other wildlife. Overall, the world was nice!

"Midterm 4"

This is a screenshot image of my avatar in the Smithsonian LVM world in Meshmoon. It is a midterm exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at 

“Class 5, Assignment 6"

I tried my hand at photo shop with an image of my own. I used the clone tool to give myself longer hair and a smaller torso!

“Class 5, Assignment 5”

Great response Diana! I also share your sentiments about body image and self-perception. I'm really petite, 5'2 105 pounds and I wear a size zero too. On the one hand I feel like my size has allowed me not to feel ostracized in a society where obese people are looked down upon BUT I still have to tangle with feelings of inferiority because I am so slim. I don't necessarily like the implication that women should be curvy and voluptuous because like you said there is beauty in diversity, and beauty in all different forms. I just wish the media wasn't so adamant about shaping body politics. I was always told from a young age that I was beautiful because my parents recognized the necessity of building self-esteem in me and my sisters. I believe that self-perception shapes how good we feel about ourselves and how we relay those thoughts to others. The video I chose was the Dove Real Beauty sketch, it really captures the self-esteem issues people have with themselves that cause them to be too critical, more critical then your average person.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

"Class 5, Assignment 4"

Immersion 2014 Conference is where some of the world's leading figures in technology come together to showcase immersion and immersive technologies. Open to the general public, the academic and the business community, Immersion 2014 will be a weekend full of digital technology. Hosted at The Getty Museum and Loyola Marymount, the conference will convene June 6th through the 8th in Los Angeles, California. The day and evening talks of the conference include Humanizing Machines, Mechanizing Humans, Arts & Culture, Business and Economics, Immersive Teaching & Learning, and a screening and panel discussion of the movie HER. 

For more information visit this link:

"Midterm 10"

This is a vector graphics image of a house created using shapes on MS Word. It is a midterm exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at 

The following are progress screenshots:

I added a rectangle, a textured roof and doors along with windows

I changed the color of the interior

I added the sun and my name, also gave a 3D effect to the windows

Added a walkway

Finished product!

"Midterm 9"

This is a vector graphic image made on MS Word that displays a Word Drawing of a Course Diagram. It is a midterm exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at


Below are progress screenshots:

Rectangle with name, course, and school

Added arrows and a sticky note which I labeled bitmaps

I changed the rectangle color and added a heart and diamond shape

Finished with another arrow and a semi-circle

Texture Mapping

Flat Colored Object 1 (Yosemite) from Cloud Party. This is an orange shaded horizon.
Flat Colored Object 2 (Dance Party) from Cloud Party. These is a white shaded flower pot.
  Flat Colored Object 3 (Dance Party) from Cloud Party. These are grey shaded headphones.
Textured Object 1 (Dance) from CloudParty, screenshot by Tiera Brown. This is textured grass in Yosemite.
 Textured Object 2 (Dance Party) from CloudParty, screenshot by Tiera Brown. This is textured stage steps leading to a dance floor.
Textured Object 3 (Dance Party) from CloudParty, screenshot by Tiera Brown. This is textured graffiti art.

Vector Graphics

These images demonstrate bitmap and 3D graphics together. The first image is flat shaded/colored and the second image is texture mapped (which as you can see is more detailed than the first image).

Thursday, February 13, 2014

"Class 4, Assignment 8" Tiera Brown

3 New Meshmoon Worlds:

1. Hair Salon
 2. Summer House
3. Underwater

"Class 4, Assignment 5"

In the spirit of Valentines Day I created an infographic that is representative of my boyfriend and I, hope you guys like it!

"Class 4, Assignment 4"

Got a new page to follow: