Below are progress screenshots for the 3 different JavaScript tutorial websites!
Code Academy:
Passed the intro lesson
Got stuck on this portion :(
Khan Academy
Watched a video first
Very cool sound and interactive features
I was able to use JavaScript to make an H. Pretty cool, even got some reward points
Learn Street:
Immediately got thrown into learning JS
Learned how to create strings with numbers and words
Had a pretty good grasp until I got to one particular section. Lucky for me they allow you to look at the answers after you've gotten frustrated with guessing.
Out of the three different programs I liked Khan Academy for it's use of video, voice over, and the reward point system. However, it didn't really allow me to get to the nitty gritty of programming outside of drawing shapes and such. The video towards the beginning was a great touch! I liked Code Academy because it threw you immediately into learning however I found this one to be the most challenging and it didn't have a very good hint feature nor the option to view the correct answer. MY FIRST CHOICE FAVORITE WAS LEARN STREET!!! I liked Learn Street because it threw you right into learning without necessarily making you watch videos and read overviews. There was an overview on the left column in addition to a glossary and a hint tab (that eventually gives you the answer once you've tried so many times). Also Learn Street is the type of JS that I would like to learn more about!